Supervision means different things to different people and it can definitely have a number of different functions including clinical, managerial and supportive, but in the context of how I work, it's first and foremost a supportive approach. I believe that it is essential that we should tend to our own emotional wellbeing, and acknowledge the impact our emotions have on everything we do, including how we function in our work.
Reflection is at the heart of my approach, so if you don't like to reflect, then I am probably not the best supervisor for you! I love to critically reflect and to come up with creative new ways of doing things that keeps practice interesting and enjoyable.
And, in keeping with the roots of our wonderfully dynamic profession, you can be sure that there will be lots of nature-based symbolism and metaphor in our discussions.
The way I work can be open-ended, or it can be very specific and time-limited. It will always aim to be solution-focused, leaving you with a plan of action at the end of each session. It may take the form of a strategic approach to tackling specific issues, or it may involve a more in-depth process of exploration and excavation into the beliefs or values you hold and how those impact on your practice as an occupational therapist.
What you need to bring is a commitment to your own professional development and a willingness to remain open and curious to what emerges throughout the process.
So what should you do now?
If you have decided you would like to find out more, why not contact me for a free, no-obligation, phone or Zoom conversation to see if we can work together?
How does it work?
Please contact me to discuss your needs in the first instance. I normally offer a free consultation via Zoom or phone to ensure that we are the right fit for each other.
Once we agree to work together, we can decide how often you want to meet and we can take it from there.
How often should we meet?
The RCOT don’t stipulate exactly how often supervision should happen and it is down the needs of the individual. That said, they do say it should be regular and consistent and recommend either weekly for newly qualified or less confident practitioners, and at least once a month for experienced and confident therapists.